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Constitution of the Republican Party of Sarpy County Nebraska

Constitution of the Republican Party of Sarpy County, Nebraska revised January 4, 2024.


The Republican Party of Sarpy County, Nebraska pledges and dedicates itself to the proposition that the people of our beloved republic shall be governed with justice and be able to pursue the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

ARTICLE I – Party Name and Objectives

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Republican Party of Sarpy County, Nebraska.

Section 2. The objectives of the Republican Party of Sarpy County shall be the maintenance of a government of the people, by the people and for the people according to the Constitution and Laws of the United States and the State of Nebraska, and the furtherance of such principles as may be adopted by the Republican Party.

ARTICLE II – Membership

Section 1. The membership of the Party shall be composed of all registered Republican voters of Sarpy County, Nebraska, who desire to support the objectives of the Republican Party.

Section 2. It shall be the duty of the County Central Committee to recruit and enroll all members of the party within their respective ward or precincts. Opportunity for enrollment shall be open at all times.

ARTICLE III – Organization

Section 1. The Republican Party of Sarpy County, Nebraska, shall be divided into districts in the form and manner provided by the laws of the State of Nebraska.

Section 2. The County Convention of the duly elected delegates, when in session, shall be the governing body of the Republican Party of Sarpy County, Nebraska, and when such convention is not in session, the County Committee shall be the governing body.

ARTICLE IV – Conventions

Section 1. A Convention shall be held in a suitable place within Sarpy County, Nebraska, during the time dictated by state party rules at an hour and place to be designated by the Chairman of the County Central Committee. The Convention shall proceed with its organization and the transaction of such business as shall properly come before it. It may elect a County Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers as it deems necessary. In even-numbered years, the Party will conduct a County Convention between March 1st and April 10 as set forth by Nebraska Revised Statute §32-707(1) and Nebraska Republican Party Constitution, Article X, Section 7.  Delegates wishing to attend the County Convention shall register with the Sarpy County Election Commissioner on or before March 1st of that year.

Section 2. The representation to the county convention shall be the registered delegates from the various precincts of the county.

Section 3. In case of a vacancy in the registered delegates to the convention, such elected delegates present shall have the power to fill any vacancy from the qualified electors of such Central Committee District.

Section 4. At all conventions each delegate shall be entitled to register their individual vote, and it shall be unlawful to attempt to bind any delegate by any party or convention rules requiring delegates from any political subdivision to such convention to vote as a unit.

Section 5. The authority held by delegates to the County Convention by reason of their lawful registration shall be deemed personal in its nature and no such delegate may, by power of attorney, proxy, or in any other way, authorize any person, in their name or on their behalf, to appear at such county convention, cast ballots therein or participate in the organization or transaction of any business of such convention.

Section 6. The County Chairman or a person designated by the Chairman, shall be the presiding officer of the County Convention until adjourned, and the election and qualification of a new County Chairman shall not impair such privilege. However, in the event that a Chairman chooses not to preside over the remainder of the convention, then the newly elected Chairman shall preside.

Section 7. The order of business at all conventions shall be determined by the County Chairman and announced at the beginning of the convention. The order of business so announced may be altered by the vote of sixty percent of the delegates voting thereon.

Section 8. The Nebraska State Statutes shall first govern the proceedings. The Republican Party of Nebraska Constitution shall govern as priority next. This Constitution and any related bylaws shall govern as priority next, and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern as the final priority of the proceedings.

Section 9. The Chairman shall cause to be published at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the County Convention an official notice of the date, time, and place of the convention.

Section 10. The State Central Committee, which consists of one man, one woman, and one member at large (man or woman), and the delegates and alternates to the State Convention, will be elected by the respective delegates for the State Central Committee Districts 107, 108, 109, 202 and 203. Each State Central Committee District shall elect three (3) State Central Committee members, a Committeeman, a Committeewoman, and one member at large.  Delegates and  alternates authorized by the State will be divided equally among the State Central Committee Districts within their respective Congressional Districts by the County Chairman, minus seats reserved for any members of the State Executive Committee and the County Chairman, who shall be automatic delegates to the State Convention.  If delegate allocation remains uneven among State Central Committee Districts within their respective Congressional Districts the delegates and the remaining will be alternates.


ARTICLE V – General Management

Section 1. The general management of the affairs and business of the Republican Party of Sarpy County, Nebraska, shall be conducted by the County Convention when convened in a duly called convention, and if not convened in a duly called convention, the County Central Committee shall govern.

Section 2. When the County Central Committee is not convened in a duly called meeting, the affairs of the party within the County shall be administered by the County Executive Committee.

Section 3. The County Central Committee shall be empowered to adopt bylaws, not inconsistent herewith, upon a 60% vote at a meeting of the Committee duly convened.

Section 4. The County Central Committee shall consist of the four elected officers as described in Article VI; the County Finance Chairman; the fifteen State Central Committee members from State Central Committee Districts 107, 108, 109, 202 and 203; elected members of the State Executive Committee who are legal residents of Sarpy County; thirty-six persons from each State Central Committee District within the county, to be selected at State Central Committee District caucuses at the County Convention.  Vacancies occurring on the County Central Committee after adjournment of the County Convention may be filled by majority vote at any duly called meeting of the County Central Committee, and said persons and from the State Central Committee District in which the vacancy occurs. All members of the County Central Committee shall have only one vote even though they may fill multiple positions. 

Section 5. The Party shall be governed by the statutes of Nebraska, when applicable. If there is no applicable statute, the Constitution of the Republican Party of Nebraska and this Constitution shall govern, the State Constitution having priority.

ARTICLE VI – Officers – Terms of Office – Duties of Officers and others

Section 1. The officers of the Republican Party of Sarpy County, Nebraska shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer; they shall have the powers and duties usually incident to their respective offices. The Chairman shall be the presiding officer of the County Central Committee and the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the Secretary, and the Treasurer shall be elected at the County Central Committee at the January meeting of each odd numbered year. The Secretary shall give by depositing written notice in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, or by email on or before the seventh day of the preceding said meeting and shall state time, place, and purpose of said meeting. The terms of office for the officers and the County Central Committee shall be approximately two years until their respective successor has been selected. Each officer shall have one vote even though he or she may also be elected to represent his or her district on the County Central Committee.


Section 3. A vacancy in the office of County Chairman shall be filled by the Vice-Chairman. A vacancy in the office of Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, or Secretary shall be filled by a majority vote of the County Central Committee at any duly authorized meeting. A vacancy in the office of a State Central Committee member from State Central Committee Districts 107, 108, 109, 202 or 203, or Precinct Coordinator, shall be filled by a majority vote of the County Central Committee members from that State Central Committee District at a meeting called for that purpose. Furthermore, a vacancy in the offices of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, or Secretary shall be deemed to exist the moment that the individual who holds that office files for elective office with the exception of county convention delegate.

 Section 4. Duties of Officers:

A. The duties of the Chairman shall be:

1.    To preside at the meetings of the County Convention, County Central Committee and Executive Committee.

2.    To appoint committee chairmen as needed with the approval of the Executive Committee.

3.    To be an ex-officio member of all committees.

4.    To charge all committees with their duties and responsibilities.

5.    To prepare a program of action with budget, after consultation with the Chairmen of the Standing Committees.

6.    To generally administer the party affairs.

7.    To deliver to the Secretary of each County Convention, the roll, properly certified, showing the name and address of each delegate registered to the convention.

8.    To cause an audit to be performed on the Treasurer’s books, annually, or when there is a new Treasurer.

B. The duties of the Vice-Chairman shall be:

1.    To assist the Chairman, and perform all of the duties of the Office of Chairman in the event of the absence or incapacity of the Chairman.

C. The duties of the Secretary shall be:

1.    To keep the official Constitution and Bylaws of the Party and to keep the minutes of the County Convention, County Central Committee and the Executive Committee.

2.    To give Notice of all meetings as required by this Constitution.

3.    To keep an accurate and current list of all members of the County Central Committee and to allow inspection of this list by any member of the County Central Committee.

D. The duties of the Treasurer shall be: 

1.    To be custodian of the funds of the Republican Party of Sarpy County, Nebraska.

2.    To disburse funds. Expenditures of $300 or more for a single purpose that is not budgeted requires the approval of the Executive Committee or County Central Committee.

3.    To assist the Chairman with the budget.

4.    To comply with all Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission requirements for financial reporting.

E. The duties of the State Central Committee members shall be:

1.    To represent their district at State Central Committee meetings.

2.    To assist the County Chairman with precinct organization.

F. The duties of the County Central Committee members shall be:

1.    To attend County Central Committee meetings.

2.    To perform the responsibilities of the County Central Committee as articulated in Article V of this Constitution.

3.    To recruit candidates.

4.    To support Republican candidates.

5.    To help organize voter precincts.

6.    To be diligent regarding Republican interests within their precincts.

ARTICLE VII – Executive Committee

Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, the three elected State Central Committee members from each respective District 107, 108, 109, 202 and 203, the County Finance Chairman, and elected members of the State Executive Committee who are legal residents of Sarpy County, Sarpy Republican Women’s Chair, the County Teenage Republicans (TARS) advisors, and without vote the Teenage Republicans (TARS) chairs.

Section 2. The County Finance Chairman shall be appointed by the County Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee, and shall be responsible for fundraising activity for the Party. The Finance Chairman shall serve at the discretion of the Executive Committee and the County Central Committee on fundraising activities as those committees may request from time to time.

Section 3. The Executive Committee may be enlarged by adding ex officio members without vote to serve at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE VIII – Committees

Section 1. The County Central Committee shall have the power to create special committees, and name the chairman thereof, said committee being created to perform described work for the party as deemed necessary from time to time.

Section 2. The County Chairman, with approval of the Executive Committee, shall also have power to create special committees and name the chairman thereof, said committee being created to perform described work for the party as deemed necessary from time to time and is answerable to the County Chairman.

Section 3. The County Chairman may appoint a Corresponding Secretary serving at the discretion of the County Chairman to help with general correspondence and mailing as needed by the party from time to time.

ARTICLE IX – County Central Committee and Executive Committee Meetings

Section 1. The County Central Committee shall meet on a regular night at least twice each quarter at 7:00 P.M. at the Sarpy County Courthouse or a suitable place within Sarpy County. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in each quarter of the calendar year. Additional meetings of the County Central Committee and Executive Committee may be called from time to time by the County Chairman or Vice-Chairman upon notice duly given to the members thereof. Notice of County Central Committee shall be given by depositing written notice in the mail, postage prepaid or e-mail on or before the seventh day preceding, said meeting and shall state time, date, and place of said meeting. The County Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall convene the Executive Committee upon written request of a majority of the members of said committee. The County Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall convene the County Central Committee upon written request of 25% of the membership of said County Central Committee.

ARTICLE X – Republican Organizations of Sarpy County, Nebraska

Section 1. Republican Organizations of Sarpy County may be created as deemed necessary and in the best interest of the party by majority vote of the County Central Committee. All such organizations so created, shall report to the County Central Committee on their activities at least once every three months. Said organizations shall be regulated as deemed necessary by the County Central Committee and can be dissolved for good cause by majority vote of the County Central Committee.

ARTICLE XI – Vacancies and Removal from Office

Section 1. A vacancy shall occur when any member or officer becomes:

  1. Deceased

  2. Submits a letter of resignation to the Executive Committee which is accepted by said Committee.

  3. Changes his or her place of residence to outside Sarpy County or outside area of representation.

  4. Is removed from the County Central Committee or as an officer thereof as provided by Section 2 of this article.

Section 2. Any officer may be removed as an office holder, or any member of the County Central Committee may be removed as a member thereof for just cause by a 2/3 vote of the then total membership of the County Central Committee meeting, provided said 2/3 vote is taken at a duly called meeting of said Committee and provided that a written notice in the U.S. Mail Postage prepaid, or email on or before the seventh day preceding said meeting and shall state time, date, place, and purpose of said meeting. The Secretary shall give notice of a meeting for the purpose provided in this section when a written request is received by the Secretary signed by 25% of the then seated members of the County Central Committee.  Just cause shall mean any derogatory conduct which the County Central Committee by 2/3 vote as provided herein is deemed serious enough for removal.



Section 3:  County Central Committee members shall be removed from the County Central Committee, Committeeman/Committeewoman/At-Large positions, and as an officer for any of the following reasons: 

A. Failure to attend at least 50% of the regularly called County Central Committee meetings in a calendar year,


B. Failure to attend at least 50% of the regularly called County Central Committee meetings for the remainder.

of the calendar year in which a member is seated, or

C. Accruing two consecutive unexcused absences. An unexcused absence is one in which the party Chairman

or Secretary is not informed of a member’s absence through a submission of an excused absence form prior to the 5pm deadline the day of the County Central Committee meeting.

Section 4. Filling of vacancies shall be governed as provided for in Article V and Article VI of this Constitution.

ARTICLE XII – Rules and Quorum

Section 1. At all meetings, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the procedure unless otherwise provided herein, or in the Bylaws.

Section 2. At all meetings of the County Central Committee, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership of the committee.  Elected Federal and State officials, if absent, are not counted for the number needed for constituting a quorum.

Section 3. At all meetings of the Executive Committee, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership of the committee.

Section 4. Unless otherwise provided herein, a majority vote of the members present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall govern those matters brought before the meeting for vote.

ARTICLE XIII – Effective Date and Amendments

Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by 60% of all elected delegates of any County Convention or by 60% vote of the membership of the County Central Committee at a meeting duly called for such purpose with written notice by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, or email at least seven days prior to said meeting. The written notice shall state time, date, place and location and shall state “an amendment(s) to the Constitution will be considered at said meeting.”


Sarpy County Republican Constitution modified January 4, 2024.